Author Topic: 1971 Dodge Charger..?  (Read 2943 times)

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1971 Dodge Charger..?
« on: April 24, 2007, 15:19:27 »
Var að gramsa í, þetta var sent þangað í vetur..  Spurning hvort einhver hafi svör handa kappanum...

I hope that you can read english so that we can communicate.
I have been searching for as many 1971 Dodge Chargers as I can find in a quest to find one that belonged to my brother years ago.
On you webiste you have a picture of what appears to be a black or grey 1971 Charger (3rd row, 1st picture). Can you forward this message to the owner of that vehicle? I would like to get more information about it, including the VIN.
Are there any other 1971 Chargers in your group?
Thanks for your help.
Patrick Reynolds
superbeefinder (at)

Myndi halda að þetta væri þessi sem hann talar um (3rd row, 1st picture) á forsíðunni í einum flokknum..

Valbjörn Júlíus Þorláksson - GSM: 820-8488

Offline Valli Djöfull

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1971 Dodge Charger..?
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2007, 16:18:12 »
Annað bréf frá honum...


I hope that you can have this translated if you do not speak English.

I am searching for a 1971 Dodge Charger Super Bee that my brother owned back in 1978. I have not found it yet, but I have managed to start a database of all the 1971 Chargers I come across during my search. If you go to, look under the photostream of superbeefinder to see some of the images I have captured. All total, I have over 300 VINs and pictures of 1971 Chargers.

I came across a picture while searching that led me to your website.

Do you have any information on the car? The owner, VIN, location?

Are you aware of any other 1971 Chargers in Iceland? I know of one owned by a Ludvik Bardason in Vogar Vatnleysu, but I do not have a picture or VIN

Thanks for your help.

Patrick Reynolds
Valbjörn Júlíus Þorláksson - GSM: 820-8488

Offline íbbiM

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1971 Dodge Charger..?
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2007, 16:37:42 »
er þessi efri nokkuð superbee-inn?
ívar markússon

Offline Leon

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1971 Dodge Charger..?
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2007, 17:26:05 »
Quote from: "íbbiM"
er þessi efri nokkuð superbee-inn?

Þessi efri er Superbee 440 Six Pack og er í vogunum og í eigu Lúðvíks.

Svo er þessi  Superbee í eigu Sigga á Akureyri.

Og hvorugur til sölu víst.
Leon Hafsteinsson.
1970 Ford Mustang Mach-1
1970 Ford Mustang BOSS 302