Back when carbs were the norm on cars, people would use teflon tape on the fuel filter threads. (GM) It was not uncommon to take the carb apart because the excess tape used would clog the jets. It didn't dissolve, just little bits would get torn off, and migrate through the carb.
eventually the gasoline will dry out the teflon tape. It won't dissolve it. It does last quite a while, though. And like you said, Jim, at 99 cents a rolls, who cares.
There are heavier grades of Teflon tape for natural gas applications. Has a yellowish tint to it. I have used it on gasoline type applications and it does last longer. Costs probably around $1.25.
Veit ekki hvað það heitir en ég á svona í skúrnum,kostaði einhvern 3000 kall.