Author Topic: Til solu í camaro Lt1 .Scanmaster  (Read 2599 times)

Offline TommiCamaro

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Til solu í camaro Lt1 .Scanmaster
« on: January 10, 2006, 00:30:07 »
Til solu í camaro Lt1 .Scanmaster
şetta er mjög gott ağ hafa í öllum lt1 camaroum og  trans am bílum

mjög snirtilegt tæki

This standalone scan tool is for LT1 powered cars and trucks and allows you to monitior the vehicle's computer functions without clumsy laptops or fragile PDAs.  It also allows you to also view trouble codes! (trouble code retrieval for OBD-1 cars only)

Simple installtaion (comes with full instructions).  Then, mount the display unit just about anywhere with velcro.  No additional installation needed!
Automatic, detects the PCM waking up.
Main display:
In Default mode, the display unit shows the running O2 voltage and knock retard value.

Extended display modes (Selected by pressing the left 'mode' button):
Extended modes are as follows:
MAF - AirFlow (MAF reading)
SP - Spark advance
LP - Injector Pulsewidth (left)
rP - Injector Pulsewidth (right)
dtc - Diagnostic trouble code
MPH - Vehicle speed
LbL - Block Learn (left)
rbL - Block Learn (right)
CEL - Block learn cell number
Lin - Integrator (left)
rin - Integrator (right)
O2L - O2 sensor Mv (left)
O2r - O2 sensor Mv (right)
AtS - Air Temp
CLt - Coolant temp
tPS - Throttle position sensor
tPP - Throttle position percent
r - RPM
IAC - Idle Air Control
bAt - Battery Voltage
Egr - Exhaust Gas recirculation
MAP - Manifold absolute pressure
bAr - Barometric sensor
ACP - A/C pressure sensor
CCP - carbon canister duty cycle

Pressing the right "Recall" button returns the unit to the Default display mode.

In Record Mode, the highest Retard reading and lowest O2 Millivolt readings will be stored along with the vehicle speed (MPH) that they occurred.  The stored readings can be recalled anytime before the engine is turned off.

Recalling captured data:
After a recording is made, the values can be recalled by holding the right "Recall" button.  The right-most decimal point flashes to indicate recall mode is active.  While recalling, the O2 display shows the lowest average O2 voltage during the full-throttle event and the retard display indicates the highest knock retard value during the full throttle event.   While holding the recall button, also hold the mode button (left button) and the displays will indicate the vehicle speeds (MPH) at which the captured values occurred.   The stored data will be retained until another full throttle run or the unit is shut off.

We are the original manufacturer of this product and it is brand new, shipped directly from us!

No LT1 owner should be without an LT1 Scanmaster!

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