Author Topic: Frettatilkynning um Team ICE og RCM 555 Impreza  (Read 1778 times)

Offline Ice555

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Frettatilkynning um Team ICE og RCM 555 Impreza
« on: August 04, 2005, 17:23:40 »
Ny frettatilkynning (a ensku) er komin a heimasidu Team ICE um bilinn og tann arangur sem nadist um sidustu helgi.

Halldor og Gulli
Halldór Jónsson
Team ICE
Subaru Impreza 2,0 STi
Hestöfl: 880+
Tog: 816+ Nm
Besti árangur Gulla og 555:
1/4 míla: 9,4850 sek. á 151,06 mílu
1/8 míla: 6,1899 sek. á 122,46 mílum
60 fet: 1,4900 sek
Hröðun 0 - 100 km: 2,5 sek.

Offline Jóhannes

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« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2005, 17:29:46 »
His first run of the day (without the Nitrous Oxide) resulted in a 10.46-second pass at 133mph, and a number of similar European record runs followed. Then, after some adjustments to set-up, the ECU map and the inclusion of all 150bhp of Nitrous Oxide, the car ripped off the line to run its outstanding 9.93-second pass at 143mph.

Tilhamingju með þennan árangur og Flott Heimasíða
Hættu nú alveg pepsi eða kók !!!