Author Topic: Packard-Delphi Kertažręšir + MSD Lok  (Read 1602 times)

Offline Einar K. Möller

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Packard-Delphi Kertažręšir + MSD Lok
« on: May 23, 2005, 14:58:37 »
Bestu žręšir sem eru fįanlegir ķ dag. Žetta sett kostar $420 frį Packard Electronic Motorsports. Var į 358cid SBC mótor, lokiš passar į Ford lķka svo aš hęgt er aš skvera žręšina til aš passa į Ford vélar.

Verš 20 žśs.

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2004 Porsche Cayenne S

Class racing is filled with all kinds of specified engine regulations, weights, and things like that, no one is rewarded for any sort of outside thinking!