Author Topic: trans am '76  (Read 2147 times)

Offline molin

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trans am '76
« on: March 02, 2005, 21:15:58 »
Er aš fara til  Orlando vitiši um einhverja sona snišuga buš žar fyrir Pontiac trans am '76

Offline Vettlingur

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trans am '76
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2005, 21:48:10 »
Žessi bśš er ķ Ocala hef verslaš mikiš hjį žeim  8)
Chevrolet Corvette 1978

Offline einarak

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trans am '76
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2005, 22:06:36 »
A-1 Automotive Speed Parts, inc.
1809 South Orange Ave.  Orlando FL.
Ph: 407-422-6168,

algerir snillingar og miklir Ķslendingavinir žeir Mark og Robby,
ég verslaši allt hjį žeim žegar ég var žarna, og ef žeir įttu ekki til žaš sem mig vantaši var žaš komiš daginn eftir.
Einar Kristjįnsson